Blog TV

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rock On!

It's been a while since I last posted something. I have been very busy lately. Ok, so maybe not too much. I was just off in a new world called flyff. I'm a tough and burly mercenary there in the name of Grupples. Cool huh? Anyway, I was mentioning that one of the busiest was yesterday.
I was the overall in charge of the band to represent Sakya at Baden Powell's Day. We were given a chance to show off. Talent's no question, the difficult thing there was they had no musical equipments for us. So we had to carry all of the instruments (the amplifiers, guitars, keyboards, and DRUMS!!!) to St. Stephen (the venue) and back to our school. And we even have to be the one to set it up. What a day! But then again, all our hard work paid off after the performance. Everyone was shouting for more! Everyone were very excellent audience. They cheered and paid attention.

We were supposed to play 3 songs.

  • Crazy For You
  • Narda
  • Tara Lets

We started off with Crazy For You. As the title goes... Everyone was nuts over us. And then we quickly moved to the second song. From playing Bass Guitar, I and Aimee quickly switched guitars. So then I was holding an electric guitar and she had the bass. Everyone rocked with us in Narda. Unfortunately after the 2nd song, the host finished us up. We weren't done yet... we still had one more, Tara Lets to rock everyone.

Oh well, at least we did a great job. We showed how Sakyans can rock.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Battle of the Bands Outcome

Battle of the Bands was far over. It's been a week since the competition. We only placed 3rd. It's really disappointing for me. We've managed to endure minimum bloopers out of the rest but we weren't credited for that. Anyway, our teacher said that we could have won if our song was a little more difficult. That's what he said... He said that the winner won because their guitarist did a very well job containing Smooth, Santana's song featuring Rob Thomas. We were the first to perform. At first I was nervous... But it can't be helped. We'll try better next time.